Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Richard Crossley Likes Hawk Butts!

Beauteous Buteo Booty Heaven!

Oh yeah...BurdzButtz will be taking over the world soon! The latest and greatest in the Crossley guide series is on the way. The Crossley Guide to Raptors from Princeton University Press will be out in April and the lucky boy here gets to check it out right away. With help from Jerry Liguori and Brian Sullivan, this guide will definitely be a welcome addition to all of our libraries. Especially those of us that are doomed to be viewing the south end of north flying hawks!

I've been using his first guide to eastern birds since it came out in 2011 and love it. When me and The Doodles go birding, I try to photograph everything we see. As you've noticed while viewing this amazing and wondrous blog of mine that quite a few of the photos lack wondrousness and are amazing in their lack of quality or their unidentifiableness(?that one just shut down spell check!) The fine Mr. Crossley's guide are a great resource with their numerous photos of birds at every angle and pose you could imagine.

If you take photos of those strangely posed raptors and can't figure out if it's a Cooper's Hawk or a Sharp-shinned Hawk or a Canary Hawk (I made that one up,) some of those butts look alike you know, prepare to have all of your problems solved. Or at least all of your raptory id questions.

AND...there's plenty of butt shots to satisfy all of us frontally challenged photographers!

Hey look! It's the new Crossley Guide to Raptors!

Sorry, I had to stick one of my bird butt shots in here.
You'll have to look in Richard's book to figure out who's butt this is!

How many can you name?
Here's a hint, they're all in Florida...where it's not snowing...

So this is what it looks like outside in the morning while I'm hard at work!
Also, this is a great example of the photographic quality of Mr. Crossley's book

Oboy! Click on this to get a free PDF file of these books!

Click on my photo of this lovely wet and cranky Red-tailed Hawk and get...uh...nothing really. Sorry.

Oh, I almost forgot to give my hints for identifying raptors from would look in this upcoming guide and not listen to me. Yep, that would be my advice.

Check out these blogs for more info and fun with 
Richard Crossley!
The Well Read Naturalist

Nemesis Bird
Birding Etc.

Birdwatch magazine (U.K.)
Birding Is Fun!

And click here for more on the Crossley blog tour!